Friday, February 19, 2010

Gone Crackers at Midnight....the Cinderella Chef

The wife and me have a strange problem on our hands. Junior has suddenly advanced his bedtime by nearly an hour. That means we've got that much less time on our hands in the evening to sit back and chat.
Junior has also grown up a fair bit. To him, if he's gonna sleep, so too must the parents. Were both pretty tired by the end of the day and land up napping with him.

On one such night, I got up at around 11.30 and for some strange reason wandered into the kitchen (where else!) half asleep. The missus was in lala-land so didnt want to disturb. Looked around and suddenly felt hungry. The oven was inviting and thats all I needed.

I've always had an urge to make my own wheat crackers. The salty stuff that's passed off as 'saltines' is much too drab after a while where all you can taste is the salt and buttery biscuit. Scrolling through the recipe library at home, settled on one that seemed fairly easy.
I havent copied recipe's before but the missus insists that I should. So here goes

3/4 cup whole wheat flour
1/4 cup all purpose flour
1/8 tsp salt
1 tbsp oil
3 tbsp water

This makes about 20 9-inch long crackers (around 3/4 inch wide). The recipe called for pre-heating the oven to 180C while I was mixing ingredients.

The recipe is a scaled down version of the original so I guess that threw the water measure out of whack. Anyways, landed up with at least 3 more tbsp of water to get the dough to be pliable enough.
the recipe also called for the rolled out dough to be not more than 1/8 inch thick.
At 12pm, i wasnt going to try and get that done with the conventional rolling pin. Eyes fell on the ever dependable pasta machine. Rolled it out to the 2nd mark on the machine - same as i would for all the regular pasta's as well.

Once done, the sheets went into the oven for 10 mts. seems that was a little too long so landed up burning the first batch. Brought the timer down to 7mts - just right. As a side, I roasted some peppers as well with a thought of creating something later.

Had a peaceful bite before tucking on for the night.

Methinks this is a good step to a life of cracker & dip addiction. (Evil thoughts come to mind - of cream cheese, salsa & muhammara). More to follow on the weekend.....

1 comment:

  1. I superly like this. ONly thing - I'll have to do it in day time.


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