Thursday, July 29, 2010

New Cow, New Cheese

With the summer setting in, milk production somehow seems to get scarce in the local 'dairies' (if you could call them that). I was curtly shut out by my regular lady. She mentioned something about not having any extra milk to sell. Considering she sells about 300+litres, I guessed she didn't want me around. With that, my cheesemaking came to an abrupt halt. Not that I was into it full time, but the occasional Saturday or Sunday would be spent anxiously hovering around the milk vessel to make sure temperatures and times were adhered to.

Recently, I bumped into one of those cycle-borne milkmen - the kind that were in abundance when we were kids. I managed to strike a deal on sourcing a gallon every weekend. I've been sourcing for the last 3 weeks and have a pretty tidy collection going - feta, mozzarella and a couple of flavoured havarti's ageing in the refrigerator. Looking forward to at least 1 havarti a week for the next couple of months along with some cream cheese once in a while. The 3 month ageing for havarti's should be perfect. That way, I have one roll of Havarti a week for the next few months. Pure JOY!!!
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